My Experiences with Crystals
In a time when the search for alternative, holistic therapies is very much alive, healing with crystals seems to be gaining a lot of traction—almost as if it were in a race and the finish line were popularity and modernity rather than scientific proof. I’ll let you in on a not-so-secret secret: There’s not a lot of hard science backing up the way crystals heal. Of course, you could just as easily say there isn’t a lot of hard science disproving it, either. Yet the few people who are daring and/or foolish enough to try what was once considered a very “out there” kind of healing regimen seem to report high rates of satisfaction and effectiveness.
The Placebo Effect and Healing Crystals
Tests have demonstrated that the power of healing crystals derives from the placebo effect. Take, for instance, the basic crystal. The Scientific American article states that “clear quartz is able to direct light, and can be used as a transducer. The transducing property of light has to do with a crystal’s internal structure and the way light interacts with it. It is also safe to assume that this ability is not limited to quartz. All crystals must be able to do this in some way if they are to be considered healing crystals.” It follows, then, that the more “vortexing” you do with your clear quartz, the better.
Rocks and Minerals: The Origins of Healing
The creation and eventual shaping of our planet have been largely governed by rocks and minerals. So who can say with any certainty that they might not also possess some elusively understood form of healing? For more than two decades, I’ve toiled with rocks and with minerals. Neither have I nor, to my knowledge, any of my coworkers used rocks or minerals for healing. Still, I feel drawn to them with a kind of fascination I can hardly put into words. When I am with them, I feel calm, collect my thoughts, and get close to the kinds of spaces where happiness abides.
The Ancient Beauty of Rocks and Minerals
I’m not only interested in rocks and minerals from a geological perspective; I’m also keen on how they’ve been utilized and studied throughout history. I’m captivated by their colors and characteristics, and by the idea that I’m holding something whose formation began millions, or really in some cases, billions of years ago. They’re truly ancient objects. And if you consider what they’ve been through to become what they are now, and then look at the sheer beauty and amazing utility of the rocks we’re using, I think you have to acknowledge that rocks and minerals are special objects.
The Fascination with Rocks in the Market
For a long time, I had a job that took me to market and retail shows, where I would watch the interactions of people with very little knowledge of rocks and minerals. But I was always entranced by what I saw them do. They would look at the rocks and minerals and be completely taken by their shapes, colors, and textures. They seemed almost bewitched by the things. The thing I found most interesting, however, was the question that would often come up when people tried to make sense of what they were seeing: “What do you do with them?”
Keeping an Open Mind About Crystal Healing
I cannot predict how any particular stone might affect my life if I were to employ it in the manner of a “healing crystal.” However, I think it is worth keeping an open mind, something that not everyone finds easy to do. When I visited a psychic who had been highly recommended to me, I was a little on edge about the whole experience. After all, I had already expressed my skepticism about people who claim to possess psychic abilities. But after I walked into the consultation room, before I had even taken my seat, the woman started making these astonishing declarations. I still don’t know how she did it.
Could Crystals Be a Psychic Tool?
While she later disclosed very little to me, what she did reveal was extremely intimate. She kept getting the letter J and was receiving very few other impressions. She told me she found it hard to grasp what was going on and why. The “J” was the first letter of my partner’s name, who was waiting with me at the end of the road. Could it be that crystals are a kind of psychic ability, only some people can use? Is it possible that for everyone else, a crystal is just a rock?
Personal Experiences with Healing Crystals
I have read widely over several years about the crystals’ healing properties and their many purported effects. Some of this I take with a grain of salt; after all, you can’t take everything seriously. And yet, I have had a few personal run-ins with the seemingly inert atoms that comprise a crystal. I had an experience with one of nature’s most powerful minerals: obsidian. While some say it is not a true crystal, I say that isn’t the point. What is the point? Black obsidian brings issues to the surface and can be very confrontational. Obsidian, after all, is volcanic glass.
The Impact of Obsidian on My Life
Long before I became interested in geology, I acquired a piece of black obsidian. I had no intention of getting it, and I had no idea what to do with it—so I stored it in the drawer of my bedside table and forgot about it. In the months that followed, there was a big upheaval in my life—a change I couldn’t see coming and didn’t want. I had to endure it whether I liked it or not, and in the end, I came out the other side battered but undeniably shaped by the experience. Was it random chance that I got the obsidian just before everything fell apart?
Crystals and Timing in Life’s Journey
Through additional experiences, I’ve come to understand that if crystals are to be part of your life, they’ll show up at the most appropriate times. I’ve developed an appreciation for the oomph that these shiny, multifaceted minerals have on some individuals’ existences, even though the ways in which they work—if indeed they do—aren’t backed by hard science. And while I’m a sucker for a good, straightforward, scientific-sounding reason for why something should or shouldn’t happen, I also believe in the value of an open mind as a scientific principle.
The Ongoing Exploration of Crystals
Our current grasp of crystals may not encompass all that they truly are. For some individuals, delving into their potential and unknown aspects makes for fascinating exploration. At the heart of it all, with the ever-expanding nature of experience, is this: Our understanding of the world is, and should be, open to all forms of enrichment—because that enlightenment can lead to personal growth, the emergence of new, world-changing ideas, and an even deeper appreciation for the life we all live.
Demographic Insights into Crystal Healing
Demographic data on crystal healing are elusive because the practice is informal and often very personal. Still, some broad characteristics have been gleaned from surveys and studies. The World Metrics Report 2024 states that 78% of customers purchasing crystals for holistic reasons are women. The largest age group among these customers is 25 to 34 years old (44.6%), while the second largest is the 35 to 44 age cohort (22.1%).
Crystals as Tools for Personal Energy
Belief in the energy and benefits of crystals is very prevalent among people in these age groups, particularly in the younger demographics who were studied. The crystal is most frequently viewed as a kind of tool—that when used properly—can help a person direct their energy to achieve a goal. Some use crystal energy to aid in ridding their vicinity of negative energies. The “work” of crystal healing is something that seems to occupy a space in a wellness trend.
The Size and Scope of the Wellness Industry